Patentierte Herstellung Natürliche Inhaltsstoffe
Feeding recommendation for animals

Feeding recommendation for animals

Use the GladiatorPLUS milieu feeding correctly.

Bring vitality to a new level

Vitalität auf ein neues Level bringen

40-day intensive feeding

At the beginning (or after a longer break) GladiatorPLUS is fed daily as a 40-day intensive feed. The aim of these first 40 days is to keep the body milieu of your bird in balance through the Milieufeeding in connection with animal-friendly attitude and feeding, to maintain the intestinal health, to support the immune system and to accompany the natural body drainage.

If necessary: ​​extend intensive feeding

If the desired feeding success has not yet been achieved after 40 days of intensive feeding, or if your animal has many or long-lasting nutritional problems, you can extend this phase for a further 10 to 40 days. We would be happy to advise you individually and free of charge.

Maintain health level permanently

Gesundheitslevel dauerhaft erhalten

Maintenance feeding 3 times a week

After intensive feeding, you feed GladiatorPLUS only 3 times a week - permanently throughout the year. The aim of maintenance feeding is to keep the body milieu of your animal in balance and to maintain its natural health level with minimal, positive impulses in feeding and husbandry.

If necessary: ​​stress feeding

In case of special challenges, we recommend that you feed your animal the GladiatorPLUS Milieufeeding every day. We recommend a daily dose 5 days before to 5 days after the exercise. We would be happy to advise you individually and free of charge.

Feeding recommendation

Table with recommendations for your animal

Note: A change in feeding during pregnancy should be avoided. It therefore makes sense to start with GladiatorPLUS milieu feeding two to three months before pregnancy. You are welcome to start intensive feeding with the GladiatorPLUS Milieu Feeding after the young animals are born.

The recommended daily feeding amount is: see table and is ideally divided into two doses.

Animal species

Calculation formula


Dog with beef intolerance

Body weight in kg x 0.6 ml = daily amount

GladiatorPLUS Animal

Goat / sheep

Body weight in kg x 0.05 ml = daily amount

GladiatorPLUS Animal

Donkey / alpaca

Body weight in kg x 0.05 ml = daily amount

GladiatorPLUS Animal


Body weight in kg x 0.05 ml = daily amount

GladiatorPLUS Horse


Body weight in kg x 0.05 ml = daily amount

GladiatorPLUS Horse

When is the nutritional support of the acid-base metabolic process important?

Table for determining requirements

The ZELLmilieu2 base concentrate is the supplement to the GladiatorPLUS milieu feeding and can be used if necessary to provide additional support for the acid-base balance.

Acid-base balance, cell protection

Intestines, liver, immune system

Change of coat slightly delayed

Support important

Change of coat severely delayed

Support important

Support important

Fatigue, emaciation, lack of energy

Support important

Intestinal rehabilitation, immune strengthening

Support important

Metabolic problems (EMS, ECS, PSSM etc.)

Support important

Support important

Intestinal problems with worming

Support important

Support important

Change of food, when traveling, on vacation

Support important

Rejection after administration of medication

Support important

In sport for performance and endurance

Support important

Support important

Chronic complaints

Support important

Support important

Prophylaxis for the intestines, joints, skin, etc.

Support important

Cravings, depot formation, hypersexuality

Support important

Support important

Feeding recommendation

Table with recommendations for your animal

80 days of intensive feeding with ZELLmilieu2 (1 - 2 times per year): If necessary, feed ZELLmilieu2 daily as intensive feeding for a total of 80 days.

The expert tip: We recommend feeding the ZELLmilieu2 base concentrate always in combination with the GladiatorPLUS milieu feeding. The GladiatorPLUS milieu feeding is the power source for the intestines, liver and immune system. The ZELLmilieu2 base concentrate of the support for acid-base balance and drainage. This combination has clearly proven itself and enables the best feeding results. Do not start the 80 days of intensive feeding with ZELLmilieu2 until the 14th day after the start of GladiatorPLUS intensive feeding.

The recommended daily feeding amount is: see table.

Animal Species

Calculation Formula


Maximum amount / day

Goat / sheep / alpaca

Body weight in kg x 0.05 ml = daily amount
Body weight in kg x 0.02 g = daily amount

ZELLmilieu2 base fluid animal
ZELLmilieu2 detoxification powder animal

15 ml


Body weight in kg x 0.05 ml = daily amount
Body weight in kg x 0.02 g = daily amount

ZELLmilieu2 base fluid animal
ZELLmilieu2 detoxification powder animal

20 ml


Body weight in kg x 0.05 ml = daily amount
Body weight in kg x 0.02 g = daily amount

ZELLmilieu2 base fluid animal
ZELLmilieu2 detoxification powder animal

30 ml


Body weight in kg x 0.05 ml = daily amount
Body weight in kg x 0.02 g = daily amount

ZELLmilieu2 base fluid animal
ZELLmilieu2 detoxification powder animal

30 ml